Thursday, April 2, 2020

New Fiverr Gig: Photo Retouch and Edit

I started a new gig on Fiverr! I'm now putting my practice and work into a photo editing and retouching gig. Go check out my gig for yourself and put me to work:

Here are the first few that I've done:

Photo 1

This one was beautiful to start with. I only made a couple of tweaks to get to the end product. This is the before:

This shot here is the after! What do you think?

Photo 2

The next one was a little more difficult because of the background and foreground features, but I made it happen. Again, beautiful from the beginning, but I still made some tweaks. Here is the before photo: 

Here is the after. What do you think?

Photo 3

Here is the last photo. I really like how this one turned out, but I'm eager to get your opinion. Check out this before photo: 

And then here's the after photo!

Let me know what you think! I'm always eager to improve. What am I missing? What could I do better?

I'm excited to do more of this work in the future! Check out my Fiverr gig here and put me to work: 

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