Thursday, April 2, 2020

New Fiverr Gig: Photo Retouch and Edit

I started a new gig on Fiverr! I'm now putting my practice and work into a photo editing and retouching gig. Go check out my gig for yourself and put me to work:

Here are the first few that I've done:

Photo 1

This one was beautiful to start with. I only made a couple of tweaks to get to the end product. This is the before:

This shot here is the after! What do you think?

Photo 2

The next one was a little more difficult because of the background and foreground features, but I made it happen. Again, beautiful from the beginning, but I still made some tweaks. Here is the before photo: 

Here is the after. What do you think?

Photo 3

Here is the last photo. I really like how this one turned out, but I'm eager to get your opinion. Check out this before photo: 

And then here's the after photo!

Let me know what you think! I'm always eager to improve. What am I missing? What could I do better?

I'm excited to do more of this work in the future! Check out my Fiverr gig here and put me to work: 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Background Removal Gig on Fiverr

I've got my gig set up on Fiverr! I'm taking my background removal skills commercial! 

Here is the link to the Gig:

Here are a few examples of the background removals I've done:

This is the example I used in my Fiverr gig for the full body portion of the service. 

This was a tough one with the hair. This is a good example of a more difficult head shot. 

This is a shot of me after a great training session with some friends up in Seattle. I think the photo looked better with more features in the background to distract you from my face... :)

If you need any work like this done, click the link and check out my Gig! Here it is again: 


My boy @joshua.jordan__ laying out after a tough couple sets. Caught him trying to recover, but it really just looked like he was taking a nap. Had to cut out the background and mess with the color and everything but it came out alright. 

Just looking at this makes me feel like I need a nap.

Mad Max @Jacked_Zach

At it again!! This time I took @jacked_zach and tried to go Mad Max or something with him. Maybe a 90's punk version of Mad Max. Had to remove the background, split him off into layers and then add some custom clip art to the shot. The whole thing actually only took a couple hours! 

Here's the transparent all on it's own. I made the transparent version before the added bits. 

All this from the original. @jacked_zach hitting some suspended sumo squats. Gotta have glutes to lift big weights! What did I miss?? Anything you wish you could've seen on the final product? 

Borderlands Profile Picture

I think this is what I would look like if I was the hero of a Borderlands Campaign. 

Visiting the family out in Utah, I found a spot with some good lighting and took me a selfie! After partitioning off the layers, I added some home made clip art and got to the profile picture I'd always wanted. Check out the original below! 

What do you guys think? What clip art is it missing?

Spider Man Questions Everything

I spend the bulk of my time running a gym, and for the gym's Instagram account (@atrtrainingsystems) I take a lot of shots of our athletes. This photo is of a friend and client @jacked_zach that I turned into a friendly neighborhood variation. 

I had to remove the background and partition off portions of the photo to make the costume. Check out the original below! Even did a little bit of adjusting to the physique itself. 

Getting the shot cutout was only half the fun. With the transparent file, I can throw him onto any background I like. I used clouds for this one.

Let me know what you think! What would make a better background? Or a better costume?